Prop 65: What is Changing After the August 30th 2018 Deadline?

Much has been written about the upcoming changes to the California Proposition 65 warning regulations but there still appears to be some confusion. The key changes relate to the requirements of the warnings themselves and the language used.

To more clearly outline the differences, see the examples below.

Thus, the new warnings will require: 1) an exclamation point within a yellow triangle, 2) disclosure of at least 1 (or more) chemicals that are triggering the warning, and 3) inclusion of web link to OEHHA’s Prop 65 lead agency website. 

Products manufactured prior to August 30th can still use the old warning language; however, businesses should be changing over as soon as possible to avoid the potential for perceived compliance issues. 

Specific language has also been updated or developed for specific industries, products, and chemicals. To learn more, check out the Agency’s website. 

Additional changes include a clearer delineation of the responsibilities of different parties in the supply chain regarding warning disclosure and their requirements. 

With regards to the approach and requirements for determining the compliance of your products, these still remain the same.

Ultimately, the change-over to the new warning language might create increased compliance scrutiny but due diligence will always be your company’s best defense against being targeted under Prop 65.

Whether, you need assistance with your Prop 65 warnings or compliance in general – RegTox provides comprehensive and affordable solutions!

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